What Does This All Mean?
The data collection portion of my qualifying project is complete. In some ways I feel as if it is a great accomplishment. With all the roadblocks and mid-stride modifications I had to make to accommodate my workplace if sometimes felt overwhelming. Actually it usually felt overwhelming. I still find myself siting and staring at the data, wondering what does this all mean? Have I actually accomplished anything? Will anyone see value in what I have done? I did not decide to go for my doctorate for anyone but myself, but it seems as if as a doctoral student you reach a point and ask if what you are doing matters. Not in the "Pluto is no longer a planet" change in the paradigm sort of way, or even in a "look I developed a taxonomy that will now be synonymous with instructional design" sort of way, but in a will anyone read this sort of way. Yes it will be nice to be published, but I wonder if my work will ever get referenced by some student or researcher trying to find their own meaning through someone else’s work. How many articles have i sorted through trying to find something that resonates? I can not even recall. I'm not just talking about articles I agree with, but sometimes, even more interestingly, those with very different viewpoints, theories, and conclusions.
I have grown so much as a scholar and a researcher during this journey some days I am amazed by those around me and their lack of critical thinking or problem solving skills. People are hard-wired to simply accept that which already fits with their world-view, and no facts, logic or even common sense will change that which they believe to be true. I suppose it's too much to as to add a critical thinking and analytical research component to high school. What if students were required to defend a position not their own, would they learn mutual respect and have greater compassion and understanding of the issues we face? Oh to see a political debate that was held to the same level of expectations as a dissertation review.
But I digress. The blog ramblings of one graduate student will not change the world, but someday it would be nice to know that something, somewhere, I did or wrote helped someone find an answer or made someone think a little differently about something. But even if no one every reads a word (besides my professors of course) it will still be worth it, as I have learned to question, to dissect even, the world around me and that makes me a different person than I was when I started this journey.
I have grown so much as a scholar and a researcher during this journey some days I am amazed by those around me and their lack of critical thinking or problem solving skills. People are hard-wired to simply accept that which already fits with their world-view, and no facts, logic or even common sense will change that which they believe to be true. I suppose it's too much to as to add a critical thinking and analytical research component to high school. What if students were required to defend a position not their own, would they learn mutual respect and have greater compassion and understanding of the issues we face? Oh to see a political debate that was held to the same level of expectations as a dissertation review.
But I digress. The blog ramblings of one graduate student will not change the world, but someday it would be nice to know that something, somewhere, I did or wrote helped someone find an answer or made someone think a little differently about something. But even if no one every reads a word (besides my professors of course) it will still be worth it, as I have learned to question, to dissect even, the world around me and that makes me a different person than I was when I started this journey.
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